Halloween is just a matter of days! Are your costumes ready for this year’s trick-or-treat? Are you ready to give some treats away?
Whether children or adults, it never gets old to celebrate and dress up for Halloween. Come on, why would it? When it’s the day where everyone is allowed to be just who they want to be, plus gets treats for it.

Moms can literally be queens for this day and their children can go from being a knight, a hero, a villain or maybe even a pop star or a cute hot dog. Imagination has no limits for this event.
More so, this special day and spooky celebration allow the neighbourhood to get closer and form a stronger bond- unless of course a terrible trick is executed when treats aren’t given.
But the thing is, children get to be either be scary or a hero or just a peanut & they get to spend time with their designated parent who have bravely volunteered to dress up too & collecting the treats. lots & lots of them.
We can definitely say that Halloween is really that day people look forward to next to Christmas. A lot of people then goes into the planning of the decor, the lighting & the sound to make the celebration as scary as possible for the kids coming through for their treats.
What about you? Are you ready for this year’s Halloween?
If yes, then hooray! It’s exciting to see how many treats you may get or may distribute. (Age doesn’t matter as far as the treats are concerned) But if not, don’t worry because One Click Smile will share some tips for those DIY Halloween costumes and decorations!
For costumes, you just have to know the trends and be creative in expressing them with a little effort!

While classics like vampires, heroes, and Disney costumes are still very much trendy for this Halloween, going for looks that trended well this year are not just cool ideas, but are also very easy to go for if you’re kind of rushing for a fit.
For example, zombies are still on the trend and going for this look only requires some acting, some teeth coloring, and some old clothes- better if torn ones.
Just gargle a mixture of orange food dye and 2 pinches of baking soda, and your teeth will look exactly like you’ve been eating brains for quite a while now.
Pull off some acting, and you’re good to go! This can come very handy for children’s costumes, too!
Specifically for girls, on the other hand, you and your kid can also go for a modern witch look with just a little black dress, black stockings, black boots, and again, some black teeth paint.
You can do this witch teeth look by simply just mixing a black food dye with some old lip gloss and you can surely get attention for this Halloween! Better if you match this with some black nail polish and dark lipstick shades as well.
Now if you’re into something seriously spooky, especially as some kids would prefer dressing up with cute and light outfits, going in for physically wearing instagram filters like the cat and dog filters can be a really great idea to boot!
For one, it will only require your normal, casual clothes. You just need a sparkle of talent in make ups, and you’re good to go! Some children may have sensitive skin so it is suggested to use face paints for this glammed look. You may also opt for other face paint looks!
If it’s too bothersome to buy it from stores, you can try this for homemade face paints!
-Just mix Water, a little Corn Starch, Flour, Lotion, Vegetable oil, and Food dye in a clean container until you achieve a paint texture, and you’re ready to paint your children’s faces with their favourite IG filters!
If you want to be a little extra, why not cut out a square frame from an old white carton or cardboard, and draw on it Instagram’s window so the outfit may be more noticeable.
For house designs: Play with the lights and Cellophanes are usually the key.
Spooky houses can be quite easy to achieve if you know how to play with your lights. You can either dim it, or cover it with red or orange cellophanes to instil a scary vibe.
This goes well for Halloween House parties even for kids, as long as they’re in for a scary yet fun night.
Old church themes can be achievable by putting up different cellophanes in your windows and dimming your lights as well.
You can also cover your furniture using a white dirty cloth to make the house look like an abandoned church and welcome your guests with a scary nun outfit.
Spooky, right?
If you’re opting for some light Halloween themed party for kids who don’t like anything haunted or horror at all, try using the pink and black themes instead of the usual dark ones.
Make sure the décor looks cute as well, even when bats and spider webs are displayed so it won’t scare the kids. Prepare lots of sweets too, to uplift the vibe of children’s party and make everything fun and memorable for them!
One more thing we usually neglect! Don’t forget to clean up! As the house needs thorough cleaning as parties can surely leave some mess, you must ensure you also cleansed your face and teeth before calling it a night.
Face paints, make ups, and teeth coloring can leave stains and trigger sensitivity so make sure there will be no regrets after a good event. Don’t forget your skin and oral care routines to wash all the impurities absorbed in the day; and much preferably, try using kits that may ensure all the stains are removed and may even improve what you have naturally.
For example, use a skin kit that cleanses, tones, and moisturizes the skin so even after all the ingredients you put on, your skin may retain or even improve its natural glow.
For the teeth which you colored for a great Halloween costume, on the other hand, try Whitening kits that will not only remove the fake orange-y color, but will also whiten the original hue by 2-8 shades like OneClickSmile teeth whitening kits.